Adaptable Organization
Responsiveness – We respond quickly to every call and every question, even seemingly minor concerns. We deliver affordable, effective options for youth and families and adapt quickly to the changing needs of our community.

Download our Program Guide here.
PROJECT TND – Towards No Drug Abuse
For any young person in need of education on how to deal with the pressures of alcohol/other drug use so they can make better decisions.
Outreach launched our new D&A Program, Project TND, in January of 2024. This program is designed as an opportunity to help families find answers. Our aim is to reduce substance abuse among adolescents by supporting families and educating teens.
The group requires a minimum of three (3) participants. If we do not receive the minimum participants, we will place the student on a waiting list and contact you when we are able to schedule the class.
Parents & guardians can participate in a separate session to better understand what their child is experiencing and how to support them on their recovery. They will review what their child learned over the course of the group and can ask questions during a Q&A segment.
If the teen was referred by a judge/district magistrate, Outreach will provide a certificate upon successful completion of the course.
Schedule for Teens
PROJECT TND is held throughout the year and is structured by 3 group sessions, with each session 4 hours in duration.
Next groups: : January 11, 18 and 25th; February 8, 15, 22nd; and March 8, 15, 22nd.
Time- 9am- 1pm
Location: Outreach Teen and Family Services Office, 615 Washington Road, Terrace Level-6 Pittsburgh, PA 15228
Schedule for Parents
TBD, once the first workshop is completed.
$175 is due before the first class.
You can also register in person at the Outreach office:
615 Washington Road, TL-6, Pittsburgh, PA 15228
Registration can be taken: M-Th, 10:00 am– 2:00 pm and Friday, 8:00am – 12Noon
Class size is limited.
Participants’ Quotes:
I learned about what the long-term effects of drugs and alcohol, rather than the short-term, “in the moment” effects that’ll make me reconsider drinking/doing drugs.
I learned how dangerous and serious even small amounts of drugs/alcohol are. All of the consequences aren’t worth it.
We reviewed various types of harmful drugs. It has made me realize that I have to think twice before I decide to do something that can be potentially harmful to me. At first I was dreading the class but it was actually kind of fun.
Parents’ Quotes:
The facilitator was very conscientious and knowledgeable and was of great help in understanding the dangers of underage drinking.
I would love to see [this program] as a mandatory high school requirement. The instructor was very knowledgeable and easy to understand. The kids in this class are getting a good education!
In-School Counselors/Programs
Outreach provides counselors on-site at schools to serve the students who are having behavioral or emotional problems which disrupt the educational process for themselves and others in the classroom. Currently, Outreach has a counselor at Chartiers-Houston School District.
Substance Use & Abuse Evaluations
Questions to Consider:
- Has your drinking or drug use caused problems at school, work or home?
- Has your drinking or drug use resulted in legal issues?
Outreach Teen and Family Services offers a substance abuse evaluation (drugs and alcohol) for teens and adults. This confidential and evidence based evaluation may be completed in one session at our Mt. Lebanon office. Experienced, masters-level therapists administer the evaluation tool and provide treatment recommendations.
Fee: $75
Advanced registration is required.
Call 412-561-5405, or email at
No referral is required.
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